Glass painting Business directory Page 5

> Business Directory > Construction and Building > Glass > Glass painting

Glass painting entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here containing informations of contact, operation hours and experience reports of customers. You can enlist your own company entry or association here.

Glass painting entries

There were 375 entries found

Ploeggang 5
8431 NE Oosterwolde Fr


Diamantlaan 10
2132 WV Hoofddorp

 31.(23) 567 79 50
 31.(23) 562 11 82

Zourethweg 1
6422 PC Heerlen

 31.(45) 543 64 36
 31.(45) 542 79 28

Eindsestr. 129a
5105 NA Dongen


Westkade 20 Sas
4551 BV Van Gent

 31.(115) 45 80 00
 31.(115) 45 37 54

Rotterdamseweg 196
PB 11
2600 AA Delft

 31.(15) 251 20 30
 31.(15) 251 20 31

Eenhoornweg 14
1531 ME Wormer

 31.(75) 628 41 55
 31.(75) 621 91 31

Weena 956-964
3014 AX Rotterdam

 010.413 51 61
 010.404 92 92

Nieuwe Havenweg 14
1216 BS Hilversum

 31.(35) 621 50 46
 31.(35) 624 70 40

Vestaweg 1
8938 AV Leeuwarden

 31.(58) 288 65 65
 31.(58) 288 63 88

Ondernemingsweg 9
2404 HM Alphen Aan Den Rijn

 31.(172) 42 22 61
 31.(172) 44 13 81

Van Helmontstr 25
3029 AA Rotterdam

 31.(10) 477 19 22
 31.(10) 477 21 30

De Geestakkers 10
PB 126
5591 RC Heeze


Tweelingenln 13
7324 AP Apeldoorn

 31.(55) 368 17 00
 31.(55) 368 17 90

Bellstraat 22 Ede
6716 BA Gld

 0318.63 14 16
 0318.63 82 54

Kade 36
PB 196
3371 EP Hardinxveld Giessendam


Danzigweg 23
7418 EN Deventer

 31.(570) 67 82 00
 31.(570) 67 82 50

Oude Lieshoutseweg 1
5492 HT Sint Oedenrode

 31.(413) 47 68 31
 31.(413) 47 80 74

Nieuwe Havenweg 14
PB 85
1216 BS Hilversum


Zuiderhavenweg 22
4004 JJ Tiel

 31.(344) 63 70 70
 31.(344) 61 08 79

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Cities & surrounding

Glass painting branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Glass painting in this month. This month 9 companies were registered, 15 were updated and 43 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Glass painting December 2024Diagram Glass paintingDiagram Glass painting December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Glass painting with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Glass painting 2024Statistics Glass paintingStatistics Glass painting 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics